Harry Devon Johnson is EIN Registered (Employer Identification number)

Dayton Ohio Publish Author

Uncyclopedia of spelling,emotions,deaf:

Our spellings and pronunciation are different than standards - on allot of our profile and links;on

the internet, too see how real some people are -

when it comes to hate. And also just to be different - the creator of the words - Awh yea if you posting negative comments on us or making neagtive blogs -

you better be ready to kill us on the streets-

that's what you should do you hater bitches!


regardless devon victory

Is a syndrom of extream paranoia,depression,and expression of being belittled and agravated by the mental.a situation where you never over come indigents,also an extream fear of god or an human deity...

Your action and the way that you behave are retarded i think you have the

regardless devon victory syndrom....


an excellent marketing scheme that increase's social moral and other ethics;even memoirs....

You should be marketing in devon victory but you may be too ameture too know that.....


Is proable social disabilitys,acting out of hand because of mental problems,trusting the wrong types of people, trying too be friends with people just too hurt them,being friends with people that are not good for you.Being dysfunctional and haveing no home traing.Disobeying economical laws of Psycology,General Practices and Parapshycology.,,

R.D.V Syndrom is what most humans do not wnat too face but is what many citizens have too go threw.Some people need too realize when the send other people too see counslers,that they should be the one their talking too their family,and trusting them enough not too put them trew a syndrom,that they didint need...the R.D.V Syndrom is a very negative syndrom too have...

