Important Events

Harry Devon Johnson is EIN Registered (Employer Identification number)

Dayton Ohio Publish Author

Important events are some thing too cherish, you should never waste time in your life and respect everything you do..

These are some of the estimated things that happened in Regardless Devon Victory's life, that he feels is historical...

Don't believe every scam you read online:

The inviting of an organization called the Numerological Resource Center, September 2008,also the inviting of an organization called the Knights Templar Organization on October 13 2008,also the Angel Fellowship Org, January 2008 marks the day of invitation,the first recognition with Publish America was in 2004,The China Sourcing Fair; December 3-5 2008, Shanghai New International,Cleo the psychic and the government asking Regardless to be an industry psychic, with-in the year of 2000, In 2003 Kate wood and Olivia Roy, making regardless an heir and supreme dity,Maria Duval-Destiny Research Center, Invited Regardless in 2009,Editor Choice award for 03-04-07-08-09 by the international society of poets,Tour White House invited in 2003,Freelance politician in 2001,2003 President Dinner:Honoary-co-chair-man,Southern Republican Leadership Conference(slrc)invited in 2004,Invited too the Xlibris 2004 Symposium,Invited too the 50th Anniversary Playboy Tour,Also received an award from Playboy,Also received an award from Adam and Eve sex stores, Received an I.S.B.N from famous poets in 2004; Received awards in 03-04-05-06-07-08,Also regardless, living during the period of life of the first stimulus checks and receiving one from the government,2003 marks the first registration of flaawless with two a's on the internet,1999 marks the first year it was ever written by regardless,In 1996 regardless name was H.D.J using his initials from his old name,Coherst - the word was first copy-wrote in 2004,first published with Urban Dictionary in 2007,Secrete Society invited within 2007-2008,Nation Wide Home Business invited in 2008,Vitamen power registered 2007, N.W.C connected,Registered with Sierra Judgement Recovery 2007,Guaranteed prize from Mary Walsh,May 10th marks the day that one of regardless patents were sent too the Inventors Network...8 years ago commences one of the first patents sent too any company...