Coherst Coherst live SIC codes

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What is a SIC Code?

Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes are four digit numerical codes assigned by the U.S. government to business establishments to identify the primary business of the establishment. The classification was developed to facilitate the collection, presentation and analysis of data; and to promote uniformity and comparability in the presentation of statistical data collected by various agencies of the federal government, state agencies and private organizations. The classification covers all economic activities: agriculture, forestry, fishing, hunting and trapping; mining; construction; manufacturing; transportation; communications, electric, gas and sanitary services; wholesale trade; retail trade; finance; insurance and real estate; personal, business, professional, repair, recreation and other services; and public administration.

Reading a SIC Code

The first two digits of the code identify the major industry group, the third digit identifies the industry group and the fourth digit identifies the industry.

For example:







Note: The digit "9" is used in the third or fourth digit position of the classification code to designate miscellaneous industries not elsewhere classified (NEC). These miscellaneous classifications are not comprised of homogeneous primary activity groups. They are grouped together and treated as a seperate industry in order to retain the homogeneity of the other industries in the group.

In 1987 the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) dramatically revised the SIC codes in accordance to the rapid changing economy.

In 1992, as a direct result of the 1991 International Conference on the Classification of Economic Activities, OMB established the Economic Classification Policy Committee to develop a new classification system. In 1997 it was announced that the new system NAICS (North American Industrial Classification) would strive for compatibility to include Canada and Mexico with a thorough evaluation of incompatible areas in all three systems. This will include all new and emerging industries, services, and advanced technologies. It has been decided that the system will go from a 4-digit (SIC) to a 6-digit (NAICS) system.™ has included a program that will help visitors and members locate their NAICS comparative number for the future. Also, we have added a 2-digit suffix number system to the SIC codes to allow businesses to define their product/service for a more direct identification. This feature will allow a potential customer to expedite a quote (e-quote) request and receive a more defined result. - WORLD WIDE BUSINESS EXCHANGE